Sunday, October 21, 2018

Captains Courageous - 1897 by Rudyard Kipling Illu. by Isaac Walton Taber

This is the other book I picked up at Jarndyce
A 1897 copy

Lots of great illustrations. Yes it may be a children's book and the story is a little obvious however the life of the Fisherman at the turn of the century is a great one.

We have a story of the Great American reality AND dream.
The dream of rags to riches and the reality of hard work in a life threatening occupation.
The hard working folks have the a deep rooted decency about them and this is the appeal.

The ultra rich Cheyne gets his wealth from the classic robbing of the American resources. while the never to get rich Disko is an expert in his field of fishing.

Americans have always loved the strike it rich story and the humble work-a-day guy; this we have. Plus the little rich kid gets a bloody nose and LEARNS his lesson.

The Betrothed - 1842 by Alessandro Manzoni

Outstanding, parts are very motivated, others a little slow.

I of course didn't understand the deep sub plot of the Milan plague of 1630.

Many characters, many are great to like and hate.

A real look into the lawlessness of that period in which several Northern European countries ran parts of Italy and local strongmen ran local parts.

Another part covered a period of famine where the people decided that the merchants and the rich folks were manipulating the price of flour.

This populace that takes over is something we don't live with much in our present day world but easily could be.

The old copy I have is outstanding!
When I was in London I found it at the wonderful old bookseller Jarndyce.

I always try to read something of the country I travel to and so the Betrothed is THE Italian period book that everyone in Italy has read.

I am so happy I found it. It comes from a collection of works printed in 1853 in London.

The edge finishing is like glass, and has the feathering decoration too.
There is only one illustration of the critical moment of repentance for the "unnamed"

A lengthy book of 452 pages but well worth the effort.

The only Illustration is of The Unnamed asking for forgiveness